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The 2022 QGames Winter Olympics
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 The Challenge & Rules

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Marie-Philip Poulin
Marie-Philip Poulin

Posts : 677
Join date : 2022-02-03

The Challenge & Rules Empty
PostSubject: The Challenge & Rules   The Challenge & Rules EmptyWed 9 Feb - 22:48:29

The QGames 2022 Winter Olympics

Women's Hockey

The Challenge & Rules Poulin_captain

Welcome to all Hockey Players,

This is a creative challenge where you will have to write a story following certain guidelines. Once the deadline passes, I will get outsiders to act as judges & score your stories to determine your scores.

For this story, you will be writing about  struggling women hockey players that put a team together. You can choose the event they need the team for, the reason, but all your characters have to be Big Brother players (can be from any Big Brother) but the coach has to be someone from BB Twitter.

On top of this you have to make sure your story is at least 700 words long, but under 4000 words long. You must also make sure it include 3 real hockey facts in there. I want them to be underlined in your text. Your story MUST have a title & a cast list. Finally, you must make sure the words Chinchilla & Tater Tots are included in your story.

Point System

Gold Medalist: 35 points
Silver Medalist: 30 points
Bronze Medalist: 25 points
Fourth Place: 15 points
Fifth Place: 13 points
Sixth Place: 11 points
Seventh Place: 9 points
Eight Place: 7 points
Places 9th & 10th: 5 points
Everyone else who participates: 2 points

Your deadline to submit your stories in your journal is Wednesday at 9:00pm EST. You can submit more than once, we will only take your last submission before the deadline.

Any questions?
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