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 Story #7

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Marie-Philip Poulin
Marie-Philip Poulin

Posts : 677
Join date : 2022-02-03

Story #7 Empty
PostSubject: Story #7   Story #7 EmptyWed 9 Feb - 23:06:14

The Sisterhood of the Rink
Da’Vonne Rogers (BB USA)
Janelle Pierzina ((BB USA)
Tilly Whitfeld (BB Australia)
Natacha "Tacha" Akide (BB Nigeria)
Esther Agunbiade (BB Nigeria)
Ika Wong (BB Canada)
Nicole Franzel (BB USA)

Chapter 1
Three minutes left. The short amount of time feels like an eternity on the ice.
Da’Vonne looks at the scoreboard. Down 3 to 2. She knows that if they have a chance at winning, she has to move fast to even tie it. But the other teams defense has been solid all evening long, not letting a lot through. Plus, the goalie is world class.
The first line switches back onto the ice, playing with high intensity to get the puck. Players weaving in and out of each other, the puck flying on the ice with the speed of a cheetah. The opposing forwards playing keep away until the time hits zero.
Two minutes left.
Da’Vonne is doing all she can to get the puck, a look of frustration lines her face. Her teammates working hard to stop their opponents from scoring once again.
One minute left.
Suddenly, an opening comes. The opposing forward hands off a bad pass to their teammate. Da’Vonne is able to gain control.
Forty-five seconds.
She hustles down the ice, keeping the puck away from the defense. She fakes out one player, feigning left but going right. Her eyes are set on the goal.
Twenty seconds.
The time is winding down. It’s now or never for the team to win the match. The puck passes the blue line and Da’Vonne is on a breakaway. No one is around her. The only thing that stands between her and a point is the goalie.
Ten seconds.
She quickly approaches the goalie, who is getting into position, ready to save the play. Da’Vonne lines up the shot as the clock counts down. She pulls her stick back and sends the puck flying through the air. It approaches the goal, Da’vonne praying that it makes it in. The goalie reaches her glove towards the puck, hoping to stop it. Da’Vonne closes her eyes as the clock hits zero, with the buzzer going off.
The alarm on Da’Vonne’s bedside table goes off. She rolls over and hits the off button with a heavy sigh. Laying on her back, she opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling. It’s time to get up and get her day started. Part of her wants to try to go back to sleep to see how the match ended. It was an intense dream after all.
Finally stripping the covers off, she grabs her robe and heads into the hallway, gently knocking on the door across from her.
“Kadence baby, it’s time to get up.”
Her daughter opens her eyes and slowly gets up.
“Mommy, I don’t want to get up” Kadence says.
“I know sweetheart, but we have to get ready for school! Let’s go.” Da’Vonne says as she sits on her daughter’s bed. “Come on, I’ll make your favorite breakfast.”
Finally getting up, the two head down to the kitchen, where Da’Vonne gets out the ingredients for the best breakfast according to her daughter. Waffles with bacon.
The two sit across from each other as they eat the delicious homemade meal.
“What are you doing at school today?” Da’Vonne asks. “Any fun lessons you have planned?”
“Well, we are learning about animals from other countries. I have to give a report on a chinchilla.” Kadence says excitedly.
“Wow, that sounds like so much fun! Hurry up and finish your breakfast, the bus will be here soon.”
Soon, empty plates fill the sink as both get ready for the day. The bus rolls up and the driver quickly honks their horn.
Da’Vonne opens the door and waves at the driver, who returns the wave. Kadence gives her mom a quick hug before heading to the bus. Closing the door, Da’Vonne walks to her home office and boots up her computer to get ready for the day.
After what seems like hours of work, a knock is heard at the door. Da’Vonne looks up and walks over to the door, looking through the peep hole where she sees two girls.
“Hello?” Da’Vonne asks as she opens the door. “How can I help you two?”
The one by the door says “Hi, my name Tilly, and this is my friend Esther. You’re Da’Vonne Rogers, right?”
“Well, that depends on whose asking.”
“We represent the Montreal Women’s Hockey team, and we are hoping you could help us.” Tilly says.
A slightly puzzled look can be seen on Da’Vonne’s face. “What can I help you with? Are you raising money?”
Esther shakes her head no. “We’re hoping you will join our team.”
“Me? Why me?” Da’Vonne asks.
“Because you are a legend in Women’s Hockey. You hold the record for most points in a game, plus the most time spent in a penalty box at Université de Montréal.”  Tilly says. “It would be an honor to play with you.”
Da’Vonne shakes her head. “I don’t play anymore and haven’t been on a rink in over ten years. Thank you, girls, for asking, but I can’t.”
“Please? We need just a few more players to compete in this year’s Winter Extreme Games.” Tilly says. “We want to take home the title this year, so we put together our own team but are still short a few players. Don’t you miss the ice? The roar of the crowd?”
Thinking back to her earlier dream, she has to admit she agrees with her. The feeling of being on the ice is like nothing she’s experienced before.
“Give me the night to think about it.”
The two girls write down their numbers and give them to her, thanking her for her time before leaving.
She walks back to her desk and sits down at her computer. Being back on the ice would be fun, she thought. Time goes by until Kadence gets home. The two catch up on their day, but Da’Vonne’s mind is on hockey. The thrill of the crowd, skating down the ice like silk.
A few hours and full stomachs later, Kadence lays down to sleep while Da’Vonne goes to clean. Wiping down the counter, she comes across the girl’s numbers. Thinking back to their earlier conversation, she sits down at the table staring at the numbers.
“What I am doing” she says out loud. “There’s no way I can go back.”
She reaches over to her phone, and scrolls through her contact list. Coming across the one she’s looking for, she hits send. Several rings go by before “Hello?”
“Janelle, it’s Day.”
“Day, how have you been girl? How’s Kadence?” Janelle asks.
“She’s good, we’re good. I have a question I wanted to ask you.”
“Do you ever miss being on the ice? Like being under the lights and playing?”
“Every day girl. Those were some of the best times of our lives. Late night practices, weekend trips, sometimes even double headers. It was exhausting, but the best. Why do you ask?
“Well, these girls from Montreal’s Women rec team came to my door today, and they want me to play with them, but I’m not sure what to do. On one hand, I love the game, but on the other, that’s in my past. I’m not the same woman I was ten years ago. Things are different.”
“I hear you girl. If it were me, I’d join. Think about it, when will you ever get this chance to play again? What happened to the girl who took risks?”
Chuckling, Da’Vonne replies “You’re right. Thanks Janelle, love you girl.”
“Good luck!” Janelle says before hanging up.
Da’Vonne dials one of the numbers.
“Hey, it’s Da’Vonne. I’m in.”
Chapter 2
Walking into the rink, Da’Vonne walks into the locker room for the first major team practice. Having found her old equipment in the attic, she gets prepared for the practice as more of the girls walk in. Tilly and Esther walk over to Da’Vonne with two of their other teammates.
“Hey Da’Vonne! This is Ika, and this is Tacha, two of your teammates!”
The new girls nod and wave their hands.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, I have been a huge fan of yours for the longest time. I can’t believe I finally get to meet you, let alone play with you.” Tacha says.
“Well that it too kind, thank you so much. So who is the coach?” Da’Vonne asks as she straps on her pads.
Ika chimes in, “His name is Stephen, but we call him Slimm. He’s a former NHL pro.”
Looking amazed, Da’Vonne asks “You mean Slimm? The Slimm? The one who almost tied to record for fastest slapshot only behind Bobby Hull?”
Esther nods “That’s the one. His was 117 mph, while Hull holds the record with 118.”
“How did you get him to join?” Da’Vonne asks.
Tilly smiles, “He’s actually my uncle. He’s the reason I love hockey.”
Finally getting ready, the girls walk on the ice getting drills started. Once she hits the ice, Da’Vonne glides on the ice like time hasn’t passed. She weaves around the ice with such ease, the feeling of being back on the ice comes back quickly.
After some time on the ice, the girls hear a whistle and see Slimm standing by the team’s bench. Skating over to him, the girls prepare for the real practice to begin.
“Listen up ladies, we only have three months to get ready for the Extreme Winter Games. Now we are almost at full capacity on the team, but until then we have to focus. There’s no time to slack. So, let’s get these drills started.”
Blowing into the whistle, the girls line up and work on their drills. Hours go by before the girls head back to the locker room, tired from practice.
“How many other girls do we need to make a full team?” Da’Vonne asks.
“Honestly, we are just missing someone who is really good on defense. One strong girl and that’s all we need.
Da’Vonne smiles, nodding. “I think I know just the girl for you.”
Chapter 3
A month later, the girls sit in the locker room after an unusually difficult practice. Sitting around the room, rubbing their sore muscles to try and feel them again.
As some girls leave, other stay behind, including new teammate Janelle.
“We don’t have much time girls, less than 2 months until the Extreme Winter Games.” Ika says.
“I know, we are so close to the games that I almost can’t take it. How do you girls feel about being back on the ice?” Tacha says to Da’Vonne and Janelle.
“It’s strange for me, you know. After Da’Vonne and I graduated, I continued to play and even tried out for the Olympics.” Janelle told the girls.
Tilly looked over, “What happened?”
“I lost my spot to Nicole Franzel, a girl known for her dirty playing. She pulled some of her tricks, tripped me when no one was looking, and won out over me.”
“Well, she’s playing in the tournament.” Tilly says.
Janelle exasperated “She’s what?”
Esther nodded her head. “Yeah, she put a team together with some of her former Olympic buddies to compete. So, now’s the chance for you to get revenge.”
Flipping her hair, a smug look comes across Janelle’s face. “Sounds good to me. That girl has it coming to her.”
Laughing, the girls get up to leave, where they run into Slimm at the front entrance.
“Hey coach” the girls say to him.
“Ladies, thank goodness you’re here. We have a slight issue.” Slimm tells the girls.
Confused, the girls set their practice bags down as the circle around him.
“You see, I just got off the phone with some officials from the games. They say we can’t compete this year.”
Suddenly, the girls all speak up at once. “What do you mean?” “I’m sorry what?” “You can’t be serious.”
Slimm shakes his head, “They say a malfunction happened in the ice house and they won’t be able to fix it for a few months.”
“What sort of malfunction?” Tacha asks.
Slimm looked down at the ground, “I’m not sure, that rink has had issues for years even back when I was playing. One year it was faulty electricity, another year it was bad temperature control to where the ice melted just hours before a game.”
Sighing, Da’Vonne crosses her arms. “And there’s no way they can fix it in time for the games.”
Slimm shakes his head, “No. They say it won’t be fixed until after the games. They’ve even cancelled figure skating.”
“Well, there goes our chances at the games.” Ika says. “We were so close.”
A look of intrigue comes across Esther’s face. “I think I may know a way we can still compete in the games. Give me a few days and let me make some calls.”
She grabs her bags and runs out the door.
“What is that girl thinking?” Tilly says as they watch Esther drive away.
Chapter 4
After a few days, the team meets at the rink. Typically, they would have practice but ever since the announcement of the game’s cancellation, they haven’t been on the ice. But Esther had called for a team meeting.
A few minutes pass by before Esther walks in. “Hey team, so as we all know, the rink we were suppose to play in has some major difficulties. However, I think I know of a way we can still play. We are going to host the Extreme Winter Games Hockey matches right here!”
A wave of confusion and excitement flows over the teams’ face, trying to comprehend what Esther is saying.
“How is that even possible? The games are all the way in Iceland.” Tilly asks.
Smiling, Esther replies “Well, a family friend of mine is actually one of the officials for the games. He works with the team that does all the planning, and if enough teams agree, they say they can hold the games here.”
“When will we know for sure?” Da’Vonne asks.
Shrugging her shoulders, Esther replied “they said within the next few days. But the outlook is hopeful. I did talk with the owners here and they’ve agreed to doing it, but we would also have to work during the tournament.”
“Meaning what?” Tacha asks.
“Well, cleaning locker rooms, stocking the concession stands, that sort of stuff.”
All the girls start talking at once, dismay rings out over having to work.
“Listen, the owners say they don’t have enough staff to get people trained in time, and we know this building inside and out.”
Da’Vonne stands up, all eyes on her. “If that’s what it takes to get back on the ice and compete, I say we do it. We’ve put in so much hard work and effort to stop now.”
Teammates mutter in agreement.
“Looks like the games are on everyone!”
Weeks go by, as the team prepares the arena for the teams that will be traveling to compete. After practice, the girls would help workers stock the freezers, making sure there was enough tater tots, fries, and popcorn for the eager fans.
Locker rooms were cleaned, stands were buffed, and the girls were ready.
Chapter 5
The weekend had arrived. The stadium was prepared, the teams bustling throughout the area, game play clashes on the ice as fans cheer on their favorite teams. Da’Vonne and Tilly were working in concessions while they waited for their game, handing out snacks and drinks for fans to enjoy.
“This is absolutely insane” Da’Vonne says to Tilly.
“I know, but just think, soon we will be back on the ice playing for the first time. Just think about winning and holding up that cup.”
The girls laugh as the game on the ice ends.
“Well, it’s our time.” The girls head out of the concessions as new workers replace them.
The girls enter the locker room where most of the team is preparing for the upcoming game. Nerves filled the air as time inches closer to the start. Slimm enters the locker room as the girls’ finish getting ready.
“Alright ladies, the time is here. Remember on the fundamentals that we’ve been practicing. Now before we head out there, why do you skate? Why do you play this game?”
The girls go around the room, one by one answering.
Janelle is next. “I play for the love of the game.”
Tilly thinks for a second, before responding. “I want to be the next woman in the NFL. Manon Rhéaume was the first, and I want to follow in her footsteps.”
“I play for my daughter, Kadence.” Da’Vonne says, while Tacha answers “for my teammates.”
Slimm looks around the room, “It’s time girls, lets go out there and get them!”
Getting up, the ladies head out onto the ice. Sliding on the ice and starting drills as the opposing team comes in. Nicole Franzel skates onto the ice, surrounded by her teammates from the Olympics.
Janelle skates beside Da’Vonne, “God I can’t wait to stick it to the girl.”
Laughing, the two continue their drills as the buzzer reaches zero.
The girls skate over to the box, as teammates sit on the bench.
Slimm says to the girls “This is it girls, communicate and work together. We have this.”
Cheering, the first line skates onto the box. Da’Vonne moves to the center to take the puck drop, as Ika and Tilly line up around the center. Janelle and Esther take their positions on defense as Tacha skates to the goal.
Looking around for the first time, Da’Vonne finally sees how many fans are there, cheering for them. She can just make out by the penalty box her family, along with her daughter Kadence holding up a “I Love You Mommy” sign.
The opposing player skates to the center, as the girls prepare to take the puck. In slow motion, the puck falls from the official’s hand, hitting the ice. The players sticks clash, as the puck makes its way to Janelle. The girls move towards the blue line, offense starting off strong. The puck slides between the girls. Da’Vonne, Janelle, Ika, back to Janelle, to Tilly, finally to Esther, who takes a shot that is blocked by the opposing goalie.
Skating back fast, the girls prepare for defense. Utilizing their strategy, the girls watch as the puck moves among the opposing team with ease. Trying to stop the girls from gaining momentum, the teams weave in and out of each other as the puck goes from player to player. The action continues back and forth for what seems like eternity. Players switch out to give the girls a chance to rest.
“They’re moving so fast, it’s so hard to keep up with them.” Gasped Janelle.
“We just need to keep with our plan. Separate them and get the puck on our side.” Da’Vonne says as she swigs some water before heading back onto the ice with the first line.
Finally, the first intermission rings. The teams head into the locker room, both scoreless.
The girls strip off the helmets as they grab water.
Slimm walks into the locker room. “We have them on the run, but they’re holding onto the puck a little too long. We have to break them up if we want to get even a chance at scoring.”
Nodding in agreement the girls get ready to head back onto the ice for the second period.
Play action resumes. Similar to the first period, the teams are evenly matched. The puck goes from player to player until…
Nicole was able to get the puck past Tacha, scoring the first point of the game.
Disappointed, the girls go back to the center to wait for the puck drop. Breathing heavily, Janelle takes the puck for her team, skating passed the blue line. Passing to Ika, she sees an opening and passes to Da’Vonne who shoots and is blocked by the opposing goalie.
Quickly heading back to defense, the girls yell to each other to keep it up.
Fans continue to cheer for both teams as the action continues. Time clicks down as players continue to pass and move around one another.
The timer hits zero, as the teams head into the locker room now down by one.
Looks of exhaustion are plastered on all their faces, but determination is drifting through the air.
Walking in, Slimm exclaims to the girls “So they scored one point. Big deal. You girls have the drive and heart. Leave it all out there.”
The girls walk back to the ice. Even with the rink being the regulated 24 degrees, Da’Vonne could feel the sweat drip down her face. The third period begins with the same action as the first two. Fans cheer as the puck glides from the players, moving down the ice. Several minutes go by as Janelle skates past Nicole, taking a shot and….
Janelle tied the game up with less than ten minutes left.
The girls continue play, excitement continues to fill the air, giving the players added energy even feeling worn out. Time continues to click down as the play gets more intense, as suddenly Da’Vonne gets a penalty for icing. She heads to the penalty box. Two minutes. While it may be two minutes to rest, it’s also two minutes her team is down a player. Five on four with the opposing team dominating the passing game. From player to player, several shots were taken. Tacha’s fast gloves stopping them all. Da’Vonne cheers from the side and looks over, seeing her daughter. The two smile at each other before the ref opens the box, allowing Da’Vonne to re-enter the game.
One minute remains, and Janelle is able to get the puck back, passing to Ika before moving onto Da’Vonne, who weaves around Nicole. The puck crosses the blue line, Da’Vonne quickly skating down the rink. The only thing standing in the way of the win is the goalie. Da’Vonne lines up the shot, slaps it with all her might, sending the puck flying.
Time stands still as all eyes are on the puck, watching it go through the air. It finally reaches the goalie when…
The puck hits the back of the net, winning the game!
The girls all surround Da’Vonne, celebrating their victory. Da’Vonne looks over to her family, and sees her daughter jumping up and down with joy. It was the moment the girls had been waiting for and working towards for months. The fans continue to cheer and chant their names.
Feeling accomplished, the girls head to the locker room where the celebration continues. Slimm walks in to a room full of cheers.
Slimm says to the girls “You all did amazing, putting passion and power into that performance. Don’t get too ahead of yourselves though, we still have a few more games until that trophy is ours.”
Da’Vonne smiles and says to the team, “Regardless of the rest of these games, thank you girls for giving me a reason to come back onto the ice and compete. You have all helped me realize that my love for this game is ongoing, and that we will walk home with this trophy.
While the girls eventually went on to win the tournament, their first win together will be the one they will forever look back on, knowing the adversity they had to endure to get to this moment.

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