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The 2022 QGames Winter Olympics
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 Story #9

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Marie-Philip Poulin
Marie-Philip Poulin

Posts : 677
Join date : 2022-02-03

Story #9 Empty
PostSubject: Story #9   Story #9 EmptyWed 9 Feb - 23:09:15



-Coach Mel Brown
-Da’Vonne Rogers
-Bayleigh Dayton
-Amber Borzotra
-Tiffany “New York” Pollard
-Hannah Chaddah
-Tiffany Mitchell
-Aaryn Gries
-GinaMarie Zimmerman
-Christmas Abbott


About a month before the 2022 Winter Olympics were set to begin, the International Olympic Committee decided to allow reality stars to also compete in the events, but only against each other. Not only would it be much needed fun due to all the tragedy and stress COVID and its variants wrecked on the world, and continue to, but it would be an easy test run to see if they should continue it for the next summer Olympics. They knew they’d need an incentive, though, and so whichever teams won their events would be considered honorary Olympians and receive branding deals, hefty checks, and a donation to the organization of their choice.

Naturally, most stars gravitated and were pushed by their fans to try out for snowboarding, skiing, and figure skating. Since the public would be voting for who represented their country, it was smart to go where they wanted. However, Mel Brown raced to push his favorite reality stars away from those sports. They were nice, of course, but they didn’t allow for his vision to work. Luckily, there was one often overlooked one perfect for the team he wanted to coach…

“Wait a damn minute.” Da’Vonne Rogers laughed as she waved her hands back and forth as if fanning herself. “Did I hear you right? You said ice hockey?”

She giggled along with most of the other women on their Zoom call: Bayleigh Dayton, Amber Borzotra, Hannah Chaddha, and Tiffany Mitchell. Tiffany “New York” Pollard cackled as well, but no one could hear her because she unknowingly had herself muted.

“Yes, ma’am, I did,” Mel said undeterred. “It’s the perfect sport for us.”

“Why?” Chaddha asked.

“Because look at all the other sports. They’re mostly individual or small. But ice hockey? There would be more than enough room for all of you to shine. Together. As a team. And with it happening in Black History Month, what better way to show our people and the world we can support each other and work together. I’m sure I don’t have to remind y’all how they like to pit us against each other and fight to be the only one in a space.”

The women muttered and mumbled in agreement.

“A little sappy, but you know I support what you’re getting at,” Tiffany said. “I’m in.”

“Me too.” Amber raised her hand.

“Do you really think America’s going to vote for us to represent them?” Bayleigh asked.

“They don’t have a choice,” Da’Vonne said.

New York’s loud laughter made them all jump, and almost wish she hadn’t figured out how to unmute herself. “Ooh, y’all crazy. Have you not watched any show where they get to vote?”

“Think positive, New York,” Mel said.

“I am. And I’m positive y’all are crazy and I’m going to get hurt.”

“That’s why you’re going to be the goalie,” Mel said. “You barely have to move and will be safe.”

“Alright. Alright.” New York wrapped up in her soft chinchilla blanket. “I’ll help y’all out. But I’m tellin’ you now, if I get hurt in any way, I’m talking about a cut, a cramp, a lost weave or eyelash, I’m beatin’ ass all across the ice … Wait. Shouldn’t there be more of us?”

“No. There’s only 6 players allowed on the ice at a time, so we’re all we need,” Chaddha said.

“How you know?” New York asked.

“I’ve just been reading up on it.” Chaddha held up her phone. “There’s a lot of interesting facts out there. Like if a team’s two goalies are injured during a game, anybody can play the position, even a fan. And did you know the men have had an ice hockey tournament in the Olympics since 1924, technically 1920, and the women didn’t get one until 1998?”

“No. How the hell was I supposed to know that? Who would even care to know that?”

“You should,” Tiffany said. “That’s not that long ago. It just goes to show how we still have to fight for equality in all areas.”

“That’s why we’re coming to win,” Bayleigh said.

Mel and the other women clapped and cheered and celebrated with drinks, but they all made sure to say their prayers once the Zoom ended. They had a feeling they would need them…

Over the next couple weeks, Bayleigh and Amber helped Chaddha and New York on how to move on the ice and what they needed to do in their positions. Da’Vonne and Tiffany accompanied Coach Mel on trying to acquire sponsors and support since they were both great speakers. They knew garnering both and getting the public to vote for them wouldn’t be easy, so it was no surprise when more than enough stupid individuals who didn’t feel their team represented America and started petitions to replace some of the team members.

The true shock, however, was the one interview that went completely south. Coach Mel was caught completely off guard when he learned there was condemnation for them from people in other ethnic backgrounds, like Asians and Hispanics, who felt they also had been discriminated against and underrepresented and should have parts on the team to reflect more of America. It was difficult for Coach Mel to go against them because he felt they had a point, and he hadn’t meant to exclude anyone in a negative way, but he was just trying to do something for his people. Thankfully, Da’Vonne and Tiffany were able to diffuse the situation.

However, it was more difficult to diffuse the disapproval from many other African-Americans who felt their team was only perpetuating stereotypes. They claimed Black women were already seen as angry and violent, so this aggressive sport wouldn’t be doing anyone any favors. They though they’d be better off being graceful and beautiful in figure skating. It was then Da’Vonne went into a fantastic speech about how it’s okay to be angry and they should be able to feel a range of emotions just like anyone else. They can’t change the minds of people that won’t budge and they shouldn’t have to because that’s not their job. And that’s when Da’Vonne coined their slogan: “Just like the puck, we don’t give a fuck.”

Surprisingly, it was that speech that gave them all the support they needed and led to them being voted to represent America for women’s ice hockey … but their struggles weren’t over. The higher ups of the National Olympic Committee felt the team needed to be more appealing and reflective of America. It was the only way they’d let them continue. Coach Mel had no choice but to agree and was shocked when they decided to replace Chaddha, New York, and Da’Vonne with Aaryn Gries, GinaMarie Zimmerman, and Christmas Abbott.

“Are you kidding me?” Da’Vonne said incredulously. “No offense, but don’t nobody want to look at these soggy tater tots.”

But there was nothing to be done, no matter how much protest the public gave. The women were switched out and Da’Vonne, Chaddha, and New York could only root for their friends from the side. So, off they all flew to Beijing…

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